We will be choosing our electives next week.
My school offers the following electives for soon-to-be 10th and 11th graders:
- AP Economics
- AP Statistics
- AP Biology
- AP Chemistry
- AP Physics
- Computer Science
- Environmental Science
- Studio Art
- Art Appreciation
My list of electives, in order of preference, would be:
- Art Appreciation
- AP Economics
- Studio Art
- Computer Science
- AP Statistics
- Environmental Science
- AP Biology
- AP Physics
- AP Chemistry
Currently though, I am debating whether to choose AP Economics or Art Appreciation.
I want to go into a liberal arts college, so Art Appreciation or Studio Art would probably be better for that goal. However, this year, my elective was Studio Art, so I don't want to take it again (not because I disliked it or I was bad at it; I just want to try another elective).
But on the other hand, knowing the economy and how it works will be important later on in life as well. And, having read the first chapter of the economics textbook, I know it, at least, makes sense (unlike Chemistry), so I won't fail at it.
Any advice would be highly appreciated, though if there are none (as I suspect there won't), then I will just choose one from a hat or something equally idiotic.
(I also apologize for the fact that I will likely never finish my Beijing Blog Part 2...or any blog that requires a Part 2 actually.)