
Day 2 has less excitement than Day 1. My day began when my cell phone alarm rang at 5:00am. The other told me the night before to set it at that time because theywanted to get up early and play cards or something. Fortunatly for me, I was the only one who woke up when it rang and nobody stirred when I called. So, I just shrugged, set my alarm for 6:30am, and went back to sleep.

When it was 6:30, I closed my alarm and seeing that no one was awake, I dozed some more, and when I woke up, it was almost 6:50am. Everyone except for me and my friend was awake and were attempting to fold their blankets and arrange their pillows.  When they called for us to wake up, my friend just groaned and pulled her blankets over her head. Eventually, we just pulled her blankets off and she just took her pillow and put it over her face! It was pretty funny. When we finally got everyone awake and dressed, we finished folding our blankets and packed our luggage, and ate breakfast, which was totally disgusting, porridge without anything edible to go with it! We were going on a hiking trip, they said, so just bring what you need because we'll come back here for our bigger luggage. They told us to gather at the front of the hotel and then when we did, they made us dance a stupid dance, but the music that went with it was pretty good. Then they passed out these small rice rolls with weird stuff in it and told us it was our lunch.

Afterwards, we all piled onto the bus, except for the people who were riding with parents. The we all set off to the mountains. In case you want to know, it was about 8:00am when we arrived. I was really worried because Jerry wasn't there but I met up with him at the base of the mountain which was a relief. Then the Scouts divided into 2 groups. Group 1 went up first and Group 2 was supposed to come up about 10 minutes later. Jerry, and the rest of the people I knew were with me in Group 2. While we were waiting they made us dance this other annoying dance without music. Then we went up. I can't really describe what the mountains were like. Have you ever seen forests? Well they're hard to describe. Green everywhere. Beautiful scenery. No rests for 4 hours straight. Mostly, I remember being very tired and cranky. Have you ever tried hiking 4 hours up a steep mountain without any breaks, trying to get the annoying, snail-paced person in front of you to hurry up and with with the kids behind you complaining hurry up, counselers trying to get you to sing a song? That was really irritating. My advice is: Don't try it. And since it had rained a lot the night before, the ground was all slippery and muddy. If you were unforunate enough to step into some mud, your entire shoe would get mud all over it.

When we finally stopped for a break it was lunchtime. They had promised us 5 breaks between the starting point and lunch area, but I didn't get any. I ate half of my disgusting rice roll and saved the rest for later. Then I took a long drink and ate some snacks. Then it was time to go. I made sure I was in the front half of the group this time so I managed to keep up easier with nobody in my way. After maybe 30 mins, we got to our destination, which was to see the king and queen trees of the forest. They were HUGE. I have some pictures and I'll put it up next time. The guide gave us a 30 minute lecture on the trees and I got bored and sat down to the side and ate the rest of my rice roll with some other kids who saved theirs. Finally, it was time to go down. Going down took less time because its downhill. It only took maybe 1 hr and 30 mins to get everyone down. Then we all rushed down to the buses, and went back to the hotel.

When we got back, it was about 3:00 and there was bamboo cane rice for us. We ate it and watched TV at the same time. Then my roomates and I got into another ferocious pillow fight, until the boys were tempted away by the annoying kid to play Ipad. Then after all that was done, we loaded the luggage, piled onto the bus, or cars and I said goodbye to my friend, because she was on a car going straight home. The bus ride was mostly uneventful because everyone slept. Ellie and her friend puked. Plus there was a huge typhoon while we were driving.When we arrived, it was about 5:00pm, and there typhoon was still raging. We were exhasted and it was raining and we had no umbrella. So we shared with some other kids until Mom and Dad came to get us. Then they took us to RTMart to eat and we went home, took a bath, and fell asleep. And I decided that if they every go on a hiking trip again, I probably won't go.


Our Boy Scout Camping Trip Pictures-Day 1-Part 2

Summer Vacation

Our Boy Scout Camping Trip Pictures-Day 1-Part 1

Our Boy Scout Camping Trip-Day 1

Camp Schedule

Field Day of 2010

Halloween Carnival



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