
Yesterday almost all of my entire family(this includes my relatives like Gran, uncles, aunts, cousins, great aunts, etc) came to Granma's house for our annual BBQ.


A lot of guests came to our house for our annual BBQ. My second-cousins Sheong-Sheong,  Ie-Ie and their mom and dad came first at about 3:30pm. Pay-Shing, came afterwards and then 2 little girls, in 1st and 3rd grade, and their little brother and then a whole bunch of other relatives that I can't even keep track of. Amazingly enough, it was 10 times less than the crowd last year, mostly because of the typhoon that was coming. The first thing we did was try to get the barbeque fire going in the garden, which was hard because the wind was blowing pretty hard. It was drizzling too, but Gran had this blueish translucent roof that covered 3/4ths of the garden so our dog, Black Dragon, wouldn't get wet when it rained. When we finally managed to get the fire going in all the 3 barbeques we started roasting meat and sausages and shrimp. It smelled great! Louis, my other younger cousin's mom and Mom were setting the garden table with lettuce, tomatoes, fruit, snacks, chocolate, and drinks like orange juice, tea and Coke. About 10 minutes later, the meat was finally done and I dumped them onto a clean plate and put some more raw meat onto the barbeque.  Another 10 minutes later, those were done and again, I dumped them on the plate that I put the first batch of meat. The sausages were still not done. I got bored and hungry and wandered off to get some lettuce and meat. It was awesome! Then I went off to play with the humongous balloons that Louis brought to entertain the little kids.  We played with the balloons for a while, and then they all went upstairs to play. I watched TV for a while and then went to see what they were doing. Actually I have no idea what they were doing.  Afterwards, we all started fighting a little. A pillow fight is more exact. I went to my bed, a top one(We have a bunk bed and a single bed; the top bunk is mine, the bottom bunk is my brother, Jerry,'s bed, and the single bed is my cousin, Louis,'s bed) with the 2 little girls and we threw pillows at the boys. The boys threw them right back from Louis' bed. The pillow fight ended when the younger girl( I forgot her name) got scared and went to tell her mom. Then we did random stuff until bedtime, and found out that the little kids were sleeping over with us. The 2 little girls slept on Louis's bed, the little boy slept with his mom on the 4th floor, technically the attic, Louis slept on the floor on a mattress that we always leave on the floor and Dad slept with him because 2 grandmas took over Mom and Dad's room. Mom went to another relative's house to sleep, and Jerry and I slept in our regular beds. The next morning The little girls woke up at about 6:00am and woke me up at 2 hours later. Then we did random stuff until they left.



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Our Boy Scout Camping Trip Pictures-Day 1-Part 1

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