This week, there's not much news, but there are some events coming up at our school soon.

Field Day:
Next Saturday is our school's upcoming field day! It's at the track, next to the bigger basketball court. If you get lost, ask anyone around where the field is and they'll tell you. The races start at 8:00am. You should come cheer for my class, Class 6A! I'm participating only in the class relay though.

Birthdays this Month:
On November 2nd is my grandma's birthday. Also, on Nov. 5 is my friend Angelica's birthday. Then after that, is my cousin, Louis' birthday. Aaaand, last but not least, on the 13th is my friend Jennifer's birthday. I got them all presents but, I still need something for Jen...

We got our test papers back this week and my grades weren't very good. At least I didn't lose my head completely and get under 30%, like my brother did last year in Chinese. Luckily I didn't get anything under 50% so far and obviously my worst score was in Chinese, because I actually did almost lose my head and just scribbled down anything I thought might be the answer. Jerry got even worse than I did in Chinese.

That's about all that's happened and going to happen for this week so I'll leave it here and write back next week.



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