Peewee Soccer
By Robert Pottle
Christopher is counting clouds.
Hannah braids her hair.
Peter's playing peekaboo.
Greg growls like a bear.
Kevin kicks with all his might,
and though the ball stays put,
his sneaker sails across the field
to land near Roger's foot
Roger starts to kick the shoe.
Soon poor Kevin's crying.
Katie gives the ball a kick
and sends the ball a-flying.
Billy Brown is looking down.
He sees a four-leaf clover.
Billy wants to pick the plant,
and that's why he bends over.
We see the ball bounce off his bum
and then sail toward the goal.
The goalie gets confused.
We watch him stop then drop and roll.
The other team lets out a cheer
and our team starts to scream
as Billy's bottom scores a goal
for the other team.